Dreams for Free

Would you like to take a moment to dream? If the stranger I’ve posed this question to responds yes, I invite them to share what they would do if they suddenly won millions of dollars in exchange for a free Mega Millions lottery ticket. 

To date, I’ve collected over 800 dreams from people I’ve encountered on sidewalks and other public places. People have shared desires such as building a roller coaster between their home, favorite bar and coffee shop or buying a unicorn. One person wanted to pay his ex-wife to return to him; another wished to buy a seat in the Senate. Someone else planned to rescue 1000 dogs and train them for world domination. Many people expressed that they would give generously to charitable organizations that support: education, wildlife and nature, research to treat illnesses, combat homelessness, and ending hunger. However, many of the dreams were to pay for education, healthcare, reliable transportation, safe housing. Some people expressed that winning the lottery felt like the only way that these dreams were possible.

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Photos by Janie Ledford in New York City, NY/Greensboro, NC and Todd Turner in Raleigh, NC.


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